Want to get faster, fitter and stronger on the bike? At Prologue Performance Cycling we offer physiological performance testing services.
Whether it’s smashing your next sportive or simply owning an epic climb, our physiological testing will help you understand your current fitness level, carve out a pathway towards your goals and help to uncover what you can really achieve.
Fitness testing including V02 max, blood lactate profiling, body composition analysis, heart rate training zones and much more…
VO2 max test
Our comprehensive 1-2-1 VO2 Max or CPE (Cardiopulmonary Exercise) Test will analyse your current fitness level, measure your performance and understand your full potential.
With your assessment completed, you will know where to focus and how to optimise your training zones and distribution to get the most from your training program.
Physiological testing is used to define your current fitness and measure and identify changes in the performance variables and energy systems in your body. The test is conducted on a treadmill or cycle ergometer so that we can identify your:
- VO2 Max and maximal aerobic power
- LT1 / OBLA (Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation)
- VT1 (First aerobic turn point)
- L2 (the blood lactate turn point)
- Respiratory exchange intersection
- Anaerobic / aerobic threshold
- VT2 (upper workload capacity)
- Metabolic economy measures
- Body composition
- Baseline blood values (haemoglobin and haematocrit)
The test, carried out in our test labs in Leeds / Harrogate, lasts for around 2-3 hours including a consultation to discuss your results and to give advice on how to develop your training plan.
A VO2 Max assessment provides an essential measure of fitness levels, highlights areas of strength and weakness and defines bespoke training zones and direction. It’s essential for anyone entering a phase of structured training to maximise effectivity, help you focus and achieve your goals.
FMS / Strength + Conditioning screen
FMS (Functional Movement Screen) systematically rates and ranks your movement patterns to identify any limitations or asymmetries.
With your assessment completed, you’ll have a full understanding of any limitations or asymmetries in movement patterns you have and how to address them, allowing you to optimise your training and minimise risk of injury.
The strategy behind Strength + Conditioning focuses on how the individual parts of your body move together in a coordinated effort with the brain and nervous system. The FMS screen provides us with a standardized tool to appraise these movement patterns and check for any serious issues that may increase risk of injury.
The FMS consists of 7 key tests:
- Overhead squat
- Hurdle step
- Inline lunge
- Shoulder mobility
- Active straight leg raise
- Trunk stability push up
- Rotary stability
The test, carried out in our test labs in Leeds / Harrogate, lasts for around 1-2 hours and includes corrective exercise recommendations. Alternatively, we can conduct your test via Skype if you are unable to travel.
Vitfor FMS / Strength + Conditioning Screen provides an essential understanding of your movement patterns and the corrective exercises required to attend to any limitations or asymmetries and is vital for anyone who is entering a phase of structured sports or conditioning training.
Sports Nutrition
Our 12-week Sports Nutrition program is designed to help athletes maximise their performance whilst training. Whether you want to achieve your optimal weight for events and competition, support your energy levels whilst training or simply improve your everyday vitality, we provide the knowledge and support to get you there.
Diet suggests a rigid format of eating and, whilst it may get initial results, it usually becomes unsustainable. At Vitfor, we advocate simply eating real, whole food and lots of it. It’s about the quality of the food and making the right choices at the right times.
Through your 12-week program, we will understand your current dietary habits, help you better understand the foundations of good nutrition, build healthy habits and provide you with the tools you need to sustain it.
Your initial consultation lasts for 1-2 hours and can be conducted in person at our test centre in Yorkshire or via Skype / mobile and is followed by weekly consultations for the duration.
Vitfor Sports Nutrition coaching provides you with the understanding and practise you need to build healthy habits to optimise your performance. Whilst it is suitable for anyone at any time, it is essential for anyone who is entering a phase of structured sports or conditioning training.